Eat Well Wednesday: Prep your body for the CBR 100 Challenge | HerCanberra

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Eat Well Wednesday: Prep your body for the CBR 100 Challenge

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healthy-kitchenWhen it comes to healthy living, there’s certainly no shortage of nutrition advice on the internet. Especially nutrition advice tailored for active lifestyles.

Some of this advice can be a little off kilter. A few of my favourites include:

“If you get hungry you should drink a cup of oil.”

“You shouldn’t eat bananas everyday.”

“Carbohydrates make you sleepy and protein wakes you up.”

“Sugar is poison.”

None of these are true.

With many of us setting personal ambitions this year to lose weight, get fit and become lean there’s the chance that we’ll become sucked into the vortex of what I like to call, ‘nutritional ridiculousness’. Every Tom, Dick and Harry is trying sell you a program, shake or detox claiming that their way of eating is THE answer that you’ve been looking for. They rarely are. Save your dollars.

The only way you will achieve long term health for your body is by eating in a realistic, balanced and sustainable way. You do this by establishing healthy habits based on sound, practical advice.

Enter the CBR100 Challenge.

In 2015, you have an awesome opportunity to get walking, improve your fitness and get out and about in this beautiful city of ours. As part of the event, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to put together a 12-week nutrition program to help you eat well and prepare for the big day.


This 12-week program is not a specific meal plan but rather a tool that teaches you practically about nutrition and how you can apply it to your lifestyle, everyday.

I’m passionate about keeping nutrition advice simple, easy to understand and even easier to apply. In each week of the program, you’ll learn an important nutrition principle with a recipe to cook and a task to complete to help you put it into action. Each week builds upon the next and by the end of the 12 weeks you’ll have a really solid understanding of eating well for an active lifestyle and if you’re diligent with completing the tasks, have developed some great habits that will stick with you long term.

The nutrition topics include:

  • building a healthy meal
  • pre and post exercise snacks
  • carbohydrate sources
  • protein sources
  • vegetables
  • adding flavour to your food
  • plus heaps more.

The recipes are easy and simple, so you can put what you learn into practice straight away, but they’re far from boring and tasteless.

I encourage you to get stuck into the program and commit to following and competing the tasks each week. Combine this with the regular walking and training for the big event and by the end of 12 weeks you’ll be well on your way to establishing some great long term habits. Share your progress on the CBR100 Challenge Facebook page and let’s start a conversation.

I’ll also be holding some free Q &A sessions at The Healthy Eating Hub for anyone who would love to pick my brain a little more about nutrition and the 12-week program.

Stay tuned for more details coming soon.

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