How to get your winter workout mojo back | HerCanberra

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How to get your winter workout mojo back

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How’s your winter mojo? Motivated? Or running on empty?

Research indicates that “most” people aren’t getting enough exercise.  How do we motivate ourselves from our warm, cosy couch, to the exercise mat? Especially when the habits haven’t been formed before winter?

We need to understand our barriers and adapt accordingly. Canberra, we are in the middle of winter, so let’s set up a realistic plan to make regular exercise a habit. Your exercise plan doesn’t need to be complicated and painful – movement is supposed to help you, not hurt you. Your movement plan needs to be consistent, and sustainable with small attainable goals.

Did you read my last Her Canberra article about winter habit hacks? If not (or if you need a little refresher), here’s the link.

The five tips were:

  1. The exercise needs to be meaningful and enjoyable.
  2. Write it down and reflect.
  3. Have a flexible schedule (flip it).
  4. Surround yourself with like-minded supportive people.
  5. Be organised, get your gear and equipment ready.

Let’s build on those tips – here are four more tips that may assist you to get off the couch and onto the mat.

Monitor sedentary behaviour

It’s human nature to be motivated by small goals, so why not use an activity tracker to make sure you’re still getting your steps up in winter? I’d advise setting a target to achieve the same number of steps you would complete during spring andhHave fun getting physically active in the comfort of your warm home. A smartwatch not only tracks your physical activity, but it also allows you to manage your heart rate, sleep quality and many other beneficial health aspects.  Or – if you have Long COVID, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia – you could use the Visible app (which is a free wearable platform designed for illness, not fitness).

Getting active around the house is cheap and effective. Don’t want to miss your favourite Netflix series? Try jogging or skipping on the spot, do some wall squats or wall push ups, use your resistance bands from Kmart or even stretch while you binge watch at night. Need some inspo? There’s plenty of free Lounge Room workouts available on here.

It’s the little movements often that count. You can even get active while vacuuming, gardening, cleaning the car, washing the dog or dancing to your favourite tunes!

Find a fun group

You don’t have to tackle your lack of motivation alone, we’re in this together Canberra! Join a team, ring up your friends, get your mates from work involved or join a physical activity program to keep you accountable. There are lots of indoor activities to embrace over winter, such as Aquacise, Pilates, yoga, Hydrolates (Aquatic Pilates), Deep Water Running classes, 10 pin bowling, dancing, indoor rock climbing/bouldering, futsal and so on. Try something new!

The magic trick is making your winter activity enjoyable and social. I took the Capital Hydrotherapy crew bouldering on Friday afternoon (pictured) and it ticked all the winter “habit building boxes” – indoors, fun, different, and it ended with burgers and beers. We’ll be back!

Layer up

Be organised. You want to have your gear organised the night before. Trust me – once you get moving, you’ll warm up quickly. You just need to get out the door…

Three layers is a smart amount in the middle of winter. We want a base layer with moisture absorbing properties (which needs to keep your skin as dry as possible), middle layer for insulation and an outer layer, (eg: windproof jacket) to fight off the elements. Typically, a pair of leggings will keep your temperature regulated without overheating. Working with a budget? Vinnies has some great active wear for winter.

Drink up

Many people forget to drink enough water in winter. We recover best when we are hydrated.  Even mild dehydration can affect our mood and mental performance.

Everyone’s hydration levels are different. Your sweat rate in summer will be very different to winter, if you’re working out outside. If you want to find out your sweat rate this winter, measure your weight before and after exercise (don’t drink anything or change clothes) and the weight lost over the hour is your sweat rate.

Too complicated to find out your sweat rate? You should consume at least one full bottle of fluid each hour during cold weather workouts. Be organised and have that drink bottle full and ready.

Hang in there, Canberra. Every day is getting longer now. Let’s get to the end of winter in some type of healthy form!

How will you motivate yourself this winter?

Love, Kirra.

Capital Hydrotherapy and Exercise Physiology is open for one-on-one Hydrotherapy, Aquatic Physiotherapy (and land-based Physio), land-based Exercise Physiology, small group therapy, and Hydrolates™ classes (Aquatic Pilates).

If you are injured, have a chronic health condition, or need a plan to improve your health and wellbeing—call us today 6156 2223!

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