Canberra mums: co-working with childcare is here | HerCanberra

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Canberra mums: co-working with childcare is here

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Enterprising Canberra women with young children, lend us your ears. Here is an opportunity tailored exactly to your needs. 

How does this sound: a morning of working without interruption alongside like-minded mums, while your child plays in a supervised area nearby?

It’s no daydream. Each Monday from 14 October to 4 November, Cowork Coplay will run co-working sessions from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, including on-site childcare with a qualified educator.

Claire Harris, Founder of the Cowork Coplay initiative, says that programs such as these are vital for the changing face of the modern workforce.

“More women are running businesses than ever before but while some aspects of business, like operating online, may be easier than ten years ago, the caring responsibilities aren’t,” she explains.

“As most mothers are the primary carers for young children and are managing the majority of household responsibilities, they generally find it challenging to take advantage of business and professional communities.”

“Time for business or professional development often gets squeezed to late nights and extra early mornings.”

The sessions will take place at the Duntroon Community Centre (DCC) in Campbell, and cost $65-80, which includes childcare for one child, with the option of booking in multiple children at extra cost.

“With Duntroon Community Centre, we are providing a place for mothers to get all-important headspace and meet others in similar situations,” said Claire.

While the program will initially run for just four weeks, Claire says it may extend or expand, depending on demand.

“It’s a good opportunity to test the market and build some momentum behind the idea.”

Duntroon Community Centre Coordinator Katherine Gordon says she’s excited to add co-working to the centre’s offerings.

“I believe this program is essential for allowing women time to focus on their career, business or networking in a space where their children are cared for by trained staff,” says Katherine.

“It provides connection and a community of like-minded women. Business and motherhood can be isolating but this program will help change that.”

While the program is by no means exclusive to the Defence community, the location means it will be ideal for Defence families–providing opportunities that Claire hopes will expand nation-wide in the future.

“My big vision is that all coworking spaces and Defence community hubs have childcare and work facilities,” she says.

“These spaces have so much potential to be supporting flexible working arrangements to help mothers and fathers balance building their businesses or professional work with family care.”

the essentials 

What: Cowork Coplay (Coworking with Childcare)
When: Every Monday from 14 October to 4 November
Where: Duntroon Community Centre, 1-30 Gymkhana Road, Campbell
Cost: $65-80 with additional children’s places available. See TryBooking for more information

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