Warrior: lifting the curtain on Canberra's emerging culture | HerCanberra

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Warrior: lifting the curtain on Canberra’s emerging culture

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A new short film aims to lift the curtain on Canberra’s “emerging culture” while telling the tangled tale of a woman facing conflict between her career and relationship.

“Warrior” is written, produced and directed by 24 year old University of Canberra media graduate Simone Thompson and photographed by fellow graduate Hew Sandison.

Simone, who is behind other short films such as ‘Blood Ache’ (Lights Canberra Action 2013) and ‘Where Have You Been’, received $4,000 from crowdfunding website Kickstarter to make the 20 minute film, which centres around dancer Laura (played by local actress Lucy Lovegrove).

Laura’s life changes dramatically after she meets talented street artist Gem (Ally Morgan), and her aspirations quickly fall by the wayside as she experiments with drugs, her sexuality and her lifestyle.

“The storyline was kind of an exploration of things I was dealing with, in terms of trying to be a successful woman while wondering how I can continue to achieve my goals when there’s relationships and other considerations,” Simone says.

“It’s about reflecting on ‘how do I continue being who I want to be despite all these choices?'”

Simone says the film was shot over 15 days in local hotspots including Lyneham, New Acton and Braddon.

“There really is such a scene in Canberra which is sort of hidden from the rest of the country,” says Simone.

“I really wanted to be like ‘look at all these awesome places in Canberra.’ So that was a kind of a focus, to reveal those emerging areas.”

Ally Morgan and Lucy Lovegrove in a still shot from ‘Warrior’.

Ally Morgan and Lucy Lovegrove in a still shot from ‘Warrior’.

And although a relationship develops between the two main characters, Simone doesn’t want Warrior labelled as a “lesbian film.”

“So many people have said ‘oh it’s a lesbian film’ but it’s not really about that. It’s about two people in a relationship who just happen to be women,” she says.

“Warrior” will screen this Friday at Braddon’s The Chop Shop and in Sydney on 27 December.

The Canberra screening will include live entertainment from musicians included in the film’s soundtrack.

‘Warrior’ director, writer and producer Simone Thompson (third from left) with actresses Ashley Morris, Ally Morgan and Lucy Lovegrove.

‘Warrior’ director, writer and producer Simone Thompson (third from left) with actresses Ashley Morris, Ally Morgan and Lucy Lovegrove.

“Because there’s so much talent in Canberra, we were really keen to source all our music from local musicians, and this screening will be a chance to showcase that,” says Simone.

“I think the Sydney screening in particular will hopefully get the audience to leave thinking, ‘wow, Canberra is actually pretty amazing.'”

‘Warrior’ screening, Friday 19 December at The Chop Shop Braddon, 25 Lonsdale Street, Braddon. Entry is $15, doors open at 7pm. For more information visit www.facebook.com/Warriorshortfilm1

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