An ode to cheese on National Cheese Lover’s Day

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I love cheese 365 days of every year.
But today is a day of official homage to this most sensuous of dairy products and to mark National Cheese Lover’s Day I thought I should say a few words.
Cheese is life. Everything tastes better with cheese on top. Can you add some more cheese to that please?
My dedication to this food group is such that I have asked for my ashes to be scattered down the monumental cheese aisle of the Ainslie IGA in the event of my eventual demise.
Perhaps a few rounds of the addictive Delice aux Truffes (truffle Brie) could be tossed into my coffin for good measure.
I could go on…

My approach to cooking is everything tastes better when you stick a whole Brie in it…
Instead, I am going to mark today by sharing my three favourite cheese recipes, a side dish, easy main and dessert which only goes to prove that cheese is not only delicious but also convenient and adaptable.
On that note, please don’t let veganism or lactose intolerance keep you from celebrating. I have opened my heart and taste buds to non-dairy cheesiness and can vouch that some of it tastes delicious too.
I exhort you all to go out and make this Monday the cheesiest of Mondays.
Try the Cheesiest of all Cheesy Potato Dauphinoises here.
This one has two blocks of fetta and a hefty coating of Parmesan for a Cheesy One-Pan Wonder Baked Gnocchi.

Basque burnt cheesecake.
And finally, may I present a Burnt Basque Cheesecake which is not only foolproof but contains one whole kilo of cream cheese.
Cheese! I mean, cheers!