Today is World Gin Day and we are here to celebrate with a special G & Tea | HerCanberra

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Today is World Gin Day and we are here to celebrate with a special G & Tea

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It’s World Gin Day today and while the Canberra climate does its best to huff and puff, it will not blow our house down because we’ll have a warming Le Gin and Tea to hand…

Canberra is fast becoming an unexpected haven for discerning gin lovers and those that are in the know, know the French Earl Grey.

Developed as a collaboration between the HerCanberra team and The Canberra Distillery, this magical gin is based on the bergamot flavoured tea of the same name and changes colour when it meets something acidic (such as lemon or tonic water) from deep blue to lavender-pink.

The ‘French’ comes from the added lavender which trails behind the citrus notes, adding a floral flourish on the nose.

Personally, I adore the concept because tea and gin are two of my favourite things to imbibe. I’ve taken this notion as literally as one can because it’s bitterly cold outside and all I want to do is cradle a teacup while hiding indoors.

Hence, a fusion of both G and Tea. Acceptably room temperature and delightfully so. Hold the ice, please, we’re in Canberra!

Le Gin and Tea

Makes two… if you care to share



Steep your tea until it’s rich and fragrant, then add orange zest.

Once the mixture has cooled slightly, pour evenly into two stylish tea cups, using a strainer if you don’t like the zest in your drink.

Add the gin (sorry, colour change miracles have been overtaken by the rich tannins of the tea!) and a splash of soda.

Garnish with dried citrus. Sip over good conversation and, preferably, by a roaring fire.

Photography: Emma Bickley @photobeforeweeat


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