Welcome to Week Five of our at-home workplace workouts

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We are deep into week five of lockdown, and we’ve adhered to over four weeks of Workplace Workouts together. It’s time for an ‘active recovery week’…
An active recovery week means we keep moving, however, we reduce the load (resistance), perform lower-intensity exercises and increase the time between sets.
We will be focussing more on stability, Pilates and mobility with two strength days thrown in. The key on the strength days, is to keep your heart rate at 30-50% of your maximum heart rate.
Each day throughout lockdown, we have been encouraging you to get up and move, and do the Workplace Workout (WPW) routine.We really stepped it up last week, with more exercises, increased resistance, and added at-home equipment—which is why this week we have a slightly easier week.
If you’ve just started joining us on the WPW journey, I’d recommend trying the earlier workouts from 2-3 weeks ago which are available here.
We have a simple structure for this week’s Workplace Workouts:
- Monday: Lower Limb Strength (with reduced heart rate)
- Tuesday: Hip stability – Pilates (Pandemic Pilates)
- Wednesday: Hip mobility and flexibility
- Thursday: Upper Limb Strength (with reduced heart rate)
- Friday: Postural/lumbar stability – (Pandemic Pilates focus).
Here’s today’s workout:
Lower Limb Strength Workout
1) Slow squat for range, not heavy weight
2) Low lunge (focus on the breath, not the resistance)
3) Calf raise
4) Sit to stand (single leg)
Do you have any workout requests? Let us know!
Did you know Capital Hydrotherapy and Exercise Physiology is an essential service?
We are open for one-on-one Hydrotherapy (no groups at this stage), telehealth, online group classes and face-to-face land-based Exercise Physiology during lockdown, with strict COVID-safe precautions.
If you are injured, have a chronic health condition, or need a plan to improve your health and wellbeing, call us today on 6156 2223!
Stay home, stay safe.
Love, Rach and Kirra