Dragon boating isn’t just an adventure; it's a celebration of strength and solidarity | HerCanberra

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Dragon boating isn’t just an adventure; it’s a celebration of strength and solidarity

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Have you had a breast cancer diagnosis or are you a supporter looking for a remarkable way to embrace life, celebrate resilience, and build lasting connections?

Look no further – dragon boating is the adventure you’ve been waiting for! But it’s also so much more.

Dragon boating is a dynamic water sport that blends camaraderie, strength, and the thrill of paddling together. It’s more than just a sport; it’s an empowering journey where survivors and supporters come together, forming a tightly-knit community that uplifts and inspires.

The Dragons Abreast Canberra dragon boat family is a diverse group of individuals who understand the unique challenges and triumphs that come with a breast cancer journey. Together, we paddle as one, quietly celebrating the spirit of survival and the joy of living life to the fullest. Whether you’re an experienced paddler or new to the sport, there’s a place for you in our dragon boat.

If you’re a breast cancer survivor, dragon boating can be an incredible source of physical and emotional healing. It’s an opportunity to reclaim your strength, rediscover your confidence, and create lasting memories with fellow survivors. For supporters, it’s a chance to stand by your loved ones, offering unwavering encouragement and sharing in their victories.

From 9 am Saturday 21 October you can join us on the water and experience the empowering magic of dragon boating yourself. During our Come and Try day, our experienced team and certified coaches will guide you through the basics and provide a supportive and safe environment where you can thrive.

There is no cost to try, so why not embrace the journey, make new friends, and be part of a community that celebrates life, resilience, and the enduring bonds that tie us together? It’s not just an adventure; it’s a celebration of strength and solidarity.

Just make sure you wear running shoes or shoes with a soft rubber sole and to dress in comfortable clothing that you don’t mind getting wet!

Please contact Megan 0414508250 or Kate 0407250651 for more information, or come to Grevillea Park on Saturday October 21 at 9:00 am. Make sure to look out for the pink marquee!

What: Dragons Abreast Canberra Come and Try Day.
When: Saturday October 21, 9:00 am.
Where: Grevillea Park, Morshead Drive, Barton. Look for the pink marquee.

Photography: Paul Jurak – Kayak Cameraman.

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