Gluten Free in the Can | HerCanberra

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Gluten Free in the Can

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Learning that you’re gluten sensitive, gluten intolerant or coeliac is life changing. Overnight, or within minutes of being diagnosed, you come to realise that you can’t have bread, pasta, lasagne, ice cream, cupcakes, normal cakes, cookies, most chocolates and of course doughnuts!

I’ve been on a gluten free diet since 2009 after being sent to the emergency ward for appendicitis. If it wasn’t for a compassionate female American surgeon, I’d be without my appendix. Since then, I’ve learnt that food is meant to fuel you, not make you feel sluggish or weak. After some tests and through the process of elimination, I don’t suffer from tummy aches anymore.

But I remember spiralling into self-pity mode when I learnt I was gluten intolerant and had to give up KFC. My family didn’t know what to make of it – all they could say was, ‘that can’t be possible, we’re Indian ethnic, we’ve been eating naan, chapattis and rotti for generations!’ Errr…

Since embracing my gluten free (GF) status about three years ago, my diet and my grocery list has gone through some adjustments.

Eating at home is now a breeze and I can cook up delicious GF chicken parmigiana to banana bread for myself. But what about eating out? And, how do you come back to the office after a business lunch and still be productive and go home without a tummy ache?

The first thing I’ve learnt is that you need to let everyone around you know you are GF (gluten free, gluten intolerant or c0eliac) so that when they office decides to do a pizza lunch, they get you a salad or a GF pizza. Don’t feel bad about sharing your dietary requirements; vegetarians do it all the time (no offence).

I’ve been living in Canberra for just over a year and I now know exactly where I can go for a GF cake and coffee, a light lunch, a business lunch and a celebratory dinner. Below, is a list I’ve come up with:

Cream Café & Bar in civic for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The menu is extensive and although they don’t do GF bread, they offer some good GF options and the kitchen is always happy to adjust their recipes for you.

Bookplate Café at the National Library. Look for the Oscar torte and selection of beautiful macaroons with coffee.

The Chairman & Yip in civic – Chinese cuisine is on the menu again! With most sauces used in Chinese food not gluten free, this restaurant provides you with the option for GF Chinese dishes.

The Artisan – an amazing restaurant I ‘discovered’ hidden in Narrabundah. The service is awesome – the waiters are extremely attentive, the wine list extensive and everything (90%) of their menu is GF – including the desserts! You can have your business lunch here and go back to the office and still be productive. Ask for the GF bread roll. Yum.

Playground Martini & Tapas Bar in civic – the tapas menu and martinis are a winner. The menu clearly provides you with guidance on what is GF.

Milk & Honey in civic – they have a lovely selection of GF cakes (bless them!) and main meals. The staff is very good at double checking that your meal is GF. So you can eat confidently.

Digress Restaurant & Lounge – Italian Indian cuisine with gluten free pasta! This place is an acquired taste and I love it.

Figaro in Kingston – a really nice place to go with the girls or to celebrate a special occasion; the vibe is very European and you can ask the staff to point out all gluten free options. I’ve walked out full and happy.

Crust Gourmet Pizza – when I first stumbled into Crust Pizza while living in Sydney, the world of pizza miraculously re-opened to me. The menu is extensive and everyone at Crust is very happy to give you advice on what toppings aren’t GF. I’ve since also found out that Domino’s Pizza does gluten free bases but they don’t guarantee that their sauces are GF.

Lindt Chocolates – I go for dark and extra dark – the Lindor Balls and Lindt Excellence blocks and squares are available at IGA and gives me plenty of happiness. I always have a bag in the pantry cupboard.

And, I’m hooked on Gelato by Gelatissimo. Gelato is gluten free!

Also, recently, I’ve noticed Woolworths carries GF meat pies and lamingtons in their frozen food section – I’ve not tried them yet but I will very soon. For ice cream, I’ve noticed the ‘So Good’ brand labelling their ice cream ‘gluten free’.

Being gluten free is not so difficult anymore. The above list is certainly not exhaustive so if you’ve been to a place that caters for the GF girl, feel free to share.

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17 Responses to Gluten Free in the Can

Belladonna says: 20 August, 2012 at 11:30 am

Wow, what a great article! Thanks, Sharmin. I’m not a GF girl but I have friends who are GF and it’s good to know which places in Canberra we can go to now when we catch up. We’ll definitely be going to Gelatissimo!

Sonia says: 20 August, 2012 at 12:26 pm

Thanks, Sharmin. My daughter (8) was recently diagnosed as Coeliac. It’s tricky, especially when she goes to birthday parties. Didn’t know about Chairman & Yip, so will def be going there for a family feast – yum.

Fiona says: 20 August, 2012 at 1:12 pm

Tosolini’s are also great and often have gf pasta which is delish and SUPER exciting!

Urban Pantry in Manuka also have a huge amount of options, and A Bite to Eat in Chifley has THE BEST gf bread I have ever tasted. Apparently they fly it in from Brisbane!

Philippa says: 20 August, 2012 at 1:19 pm

Morks in Florey do a lot of their takeaway menu GF – just ask them. They also do GF spring rolls and when they haven’t had them on hand for us, have whipped up something else delicious.

My daughter also eats at Koko Black without any adverse effects. They will let you know which things are GF or not.

sandra says: 20 August, 2012 at 2:36 pm

Balzanelli Smallgoods is a 100% gluten free factory in Fyshwick .
All their deli products and hams are gluten free and on top of that they are 100% Australian pork.
Balzanelli smallgoods is also a family owned Canberra company, you can purchase their products throughout delis in canberra or at their factory store in Fyshwick.
they are also on Facebook just Search Balzanelli Smallgoods in Facebook

Sian says: 20 August, 2012 at 2:47 pm

Deeks Bakery and Cafe in Dickson and Pearce – ENTIRELY 100% Gluten and Grain free (ie EVERYTHING in store, bread, breadcrumbs, pasta, muffins, pies, quiche, sandwiches, brownies, caramel slice, biscuits etc etc!) 🙂

sue says: 20 August, 2012 at 4:01 pm

Fresh GF Pasta, is available from Dish It Up at the Farmer’s Markets Epic on Saturday mornings 7-11am, Southside Farmers Markets Woden 7-11am Sunday mornings and Old Bus Depot Markets 10- 3 Sundays. It’s my own blend of flour which l’ve developed, it has no corn or soy flours and l put 10 free range eggs in every kilo of flour. l’m approved by the Ceoliac Association of N.S.W and it was a Bronze Medalist at the Fine Foods Show in Sydney 2012. It has a ‘cult’ following which is growing all the time. Trev’s @ Dickson also has it on the menu..

Joy says: 20 August, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Coles also has GF pies and sausage rolls and vegie bites. If you are a member of the Coeliac Association you get a membership card and Coles has monthly specials like cake mixes for example and you get a discount on them. Great way to try new stuff.

Alison Tolley says: 20 August, 2012 at 5:56 pm

At Divine & Delicious cafe in Fairbairn (Unit1/20 Ambereley Ave Fairbairn) open Mon-Friday 7.30am-4pm.We bake a large selection of cakes, slices and biscuits daily which are all gluten free. We also attend the Old Bus Depot Markets @ Kingston every Sunday from 10-4pm. All our fruit is starting to soak this week for our gluten free range of Christmas cakes and Plum Puddings.
Come and our delicious goodies….

Len says: 3 March, 2014 at 10:04 am

For the ice-cream fanatic –
Hackett IGA carry dairy free/gluten free icecream (Cocorifc or something – made with coconut milk) – these have the added bonus of being vegan and low GI.
For the Ben and Jerry’s fan (also available at Hackett/O’Connor/Watson IGA): Chunky Monkey, Cherry Garcia, New York Super Fudge Chunk (!) and Triple Caramel Chunk are all GF (an exhaustive list is here:

Also in Hackett is Wilburs which do smashingly good GF pizza!

Juanita says: 7 May, 2014 at 2:42 pm

WHOA! Hold up there girl.
I think you’re confusing a lot of things that are not gluten free with things that are actually gluten free.

They have barley in them!
If you’re a coeliac you’re going to have a rough time after eating any lindtor balls, they are noooo good for gluten free.

As for Crust pizza, I’m a coeliac and I can tell you now that there is no way their pizzas will be actually gluten free. Gluten free is 20 parts per million which is not even a fraction of a crumb. In a big pizza shop where they are handling wheat flour and dunking hands into a pit of pizza toppings, not a chance you will escape without a serious dose of gluten.

I honestly don’t understand how so many people don’t realise just how much gluten you’re actually allowed to have when you’re a coeliac. The answer is that it is next to absolute nothing. Microscopic. It is very hard to eat out when you’re a coeliac and sometimes you need to trust people, but really guys, if you are serious about your health then you simply have to avoid the fast food pizza. Ignorance may be bliss for others, but ignorance is a big opportunity to become ill for us.

Take care and beware; when it comes to your gluten intake, only you can guarantee what you eat is OK.

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