How do you grieve for someone you have never met?
Today marks International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. ACT Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee reveals…
Elizabeth Lee MLA is Assistant Speaker, Shadow Minister for Education, Shadow Minister for Disability, Shadow Minister for the Environment and Member for Kurrajong in the ACT Legislative Assembly. Elizabeth migrated to Australia from South Korea in 1986 when she was seven years old. She moved to Canberra at 18 to study Law and Asian Studies at the ANU.
Elizabeth has practised law in government and the private sector and lectured in law at the ANU and University of Canberra. Elizabeth served as Chair of the ACT and then the Australian Young Lawyers Committees then as a Councillor and Vice President of the ACT Law Society. As a registered fitness professional, Elizabeth teaches group fitness classes at various gyms around Canberra. In 2016, Elizabeth was elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly as Member for Kurrajong and became the first Korean Australian Member of Parliament in Australia.
Today marks International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. ACT Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee reveals…
Becoming a first-time mother is a daunting time for any woman, let alone a member…