Pink’s Rebel Cause: Helping homeless women survive winter in Canberra

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For most of us, shopping is a time to relax, a treat or if we’re lucky, a lifelong passion.
However, this winter in Canberra, many women won’t even be in a position to keep themselves warm, let alone browse the stores for the perfect winter coat. Winter is the hardest time for Canberra’s homeless and they remain vulnerable as the mercury continues to drop.
It’s an issue that Alicia Xyrakis from Rebel Muse and Jane Pettersen from Pink Ink have decided to tackle by turning to the very women who support them – their customers, through their initiative, Pink’s Rebel Cause.
“The Pink’s Rebel Cause initiative was inspired by an awareness of the enormous challenges and difficulties faced by the homeless in our city’s climate at this time of year,” explains Alicia. “We wanted to do something practical to help and allowed us to draw on the generosity of our clients and our networks. Both Pink Ink and Rebel Muse are businesses focussed on women, and it made sense for us to support women who are suffering particularly in this harsh climate.”
To help support Pink’s Rebel Cause, all you have to do is donate a clean, warm, quality coat. Yes, we mean that coat at the back of your wardrobe that’s perfectly warm and functional but perhaps in a style from a past season. This winter, don’t let that coat languish – pay it forward instead.
You can drop off your donations at either Pink Ink, Rebel Muse or Baby Pink and in return, as well as the warm fuzzy feeling you’ll gain from helping someone in need, you’ll even receive a $50 voucher towards a purchase at one of the three stores. What more motivation do you need?
After the drive finishes in mid-August, Alicia and Jane explain that they will work with established women’s support networks to distribute the donations.
“We have both volunteered our time to other organisations supporting various vulnerable groups in our community. We are working with St Vincent de Paul, The Night Patrol, One Link and women’s refuges across the city,” says Jane.
“We are hoping to bring comfort and warmth to as many women as possible via this initiative and the generosity of our supporters, clients and networks. A warm and comfortable coat and money towards hygiene products are the focus of Pink’s Rebel Cause.”
And this is only the start of something wonderful for the city.
“Alicia and I hope to run further initiatives through Pink’s Rebel Cause,” explains Jane. “Awareness of the enormous challenges these women face daily, and the difference that compassion and any practical support can make. We can all make a difference, big or small.”
Anyone interested in donating warm coats can do so until 13 August at Pink Ink (130/24 Lonsdale Street, Braddon), Rebel Muse (56/30 Lonsdale Street, Braddon) or Baby Pink (Unit 1, Deakin Court, Deakin).
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