Street Stylin' | HerCanberra

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Street Stylin’

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As the weather gets warmer it’s nice to get out and about at lunchtime to soak up the sun.

Packed with numerous yummy lunch options and tempting shops, we headed to Lonsdale Street in Braddon, on the hunt for fashionable Canberrans for this week’s Street Stylin’!

Eleanor, Downer


“The top that I’m wearing I got it in a store in Japan, in Tokyo… and basically they stock their own label but collaborations with other companies. It’s quite a big store and that’s also where I got this watch. This ring, I got it in Mongolia in an art store. And these shorts are just Patagonia vintage women’s that I also got in Japan.”

Elina, Acton


“I chose my outfit because the colours matched I guess – a bit of navy in both. Most of my clothes are from Gorman – the top is from Gorman. And the pants are from LIFEwithBIRD in Melbourne. I mostly shop in the Canberra Centre because you can pre-shop online and save time.”

Suzana, Civic


“It’s a casual Friday and I like polka dots so I just wanted to go with polka dots. I shop at Marcs and Saba and places like that – I like clothes that I can wear at work and on the weekend. I don’t actually like shopping very much so I try to minimise it!”

Sharee, Boorowa


“It’s such a beautiful spring today and I thought I would wear something a bit lighter and brighter and something a little bit fun for spring. I live in the country so I usually come to Canberra to shop. I do like the Canberra City because it’s a little bit more elegant – I also like Manuka. I do like Cue. I’ve been shopping there for a very long time – I probably own part of the store!”

Melissa, Turner


“Apparently there will be a thunderstorm this afternoon but it didn’t deter me from wearing sandals! I like to shop at independent retailers or markets. I also make my own clothes and I like to shop online. I make skirts – I haven’t ventured into the dresses yet. I get lots of vintage fabric online.”

All photos by Ashley St George.

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